Apart from being horribly irresponsible with my garden updates, I really have been taking this thing seriously this year. It has been a little tougher, because, for one thing, decided to only plant a minimal amount of seeds. Meaning I wanted 2 Brussels sprouts, I planted 2 (but with 2 seeds in each pod). The other thing is, since everything has started from seed, I'm super nervous, over thinking everything, and have smothered several of my little plants with love. Literally.
So as it stands, in my garden, I have radish, carrots and beets coming up. Any day now I expect to see my peas start to peek. But I have actually planted my second rounds of radish, carrot, beet, peas. I also planted cilantro, and my first round of beans went in. Downstairs, in my "grow-op" I have all three types of tomatoes up,Brussels, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and onions. I'm terrified to start moving those guys outside at all because last year, even being careful to only do it little by little, when I tried to harden them off, I lost a lot of plants.
So hopefully sometime this week if the sun ever peeks out, I'll get up the nerve to bring them out.
This spring has been so mild. Before I know it it'll be summer, and I'll be up to my knees and thighs with this stuff! I can't wait!