Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fired up

I read this in the Courier today:


It seems that every time you turn around, the Democrats are blaming George Bush and the Republicans for something else. Gas prices, food prices, wages, you name it and it's Bush's fault. If these liberals would quit ranting and start doing some research, they might find the following acts:

On Dec. 26, 2005, the average price of gasoline in the U.S. was $2.20 a gallon. It is now $3.60 a gallon and rising.
On Dec. 26, 2005, the average price of a loaf of bread in the U.S. was $1.20. It is now $1.70 and rising.
On Dec. 26, 2005, the average home heating bill in the U.S. was $87. It is now $145.00 and rising.
What has changed from the George Bush of 2000-2005 and the George Bush of now? I'll tell you what has changed.
On Jan. 1, 2006, the Democrats took control of Congress.
Enough said.
Cyril O'Reilly


My response:


Mr. O'Reilly's letter to the editor (dated April 30th, 2008) needed clairification.
The common denominator here?
On January 20, 2001 George W. Bush was sworn into office.
Since then, Bush's tax cuts have reduced annual tax revenue available for the public needs by $300 billion/yr. His occupation of Iraq/Afghanistan has cost us $700 billion ($400 mill/day), and it goes into the trillions when you consider future costs and what we could've used the money for but didn't.He has deregulated the banks to the point of the collapse of investment funds, banks, and the stock value of corporations that depend on them, as well as a steep decline in home values, and what it costs to live in them.

Let's look at it this way: (Then-2001 / Now-2008)
U.S. National Debt: $5.7 trillion / $9.2 trillion
U.S. Trade Defecit: (/yr) $380 billion / $759 billion
Cost of 1 oz. gold: $319 / $892
U.S. Budget/Surplus: + $236 billion / - $354 billion
Corporate profits: $503.8 billion / $1,351.9 billion
Pharmaceutical co. profits: $30 billion / $80 billion
Number of BILLIONAIRES: 186 / 415
Their combined wealth: $816 billion / $3.5 TRIllion
Bush tax cuts on the richest 1% (2001-2007): $546 billion
Median household income: $49,158 / $48,201
Total manufacturing jobs: 17.3 million / 14.2 million
Americans living in poverty: 31.6 million / 36.5 million
Americans without health insurance: 38.4 million / 46.9 million
Cost of family insurance per year: $6,230 / $12,106

I understand that Congress needs a good enema. No matter who has had control. But the presidency is the worst it has ever been; we are staring a new great depression square in the face, thanks to our dear leader and his cronies.
'Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


So I got home from work last night finally at maybe 8, only to find my brand new Honda Pilot (yes, a SUV- sue me) in my driveway. It being 70 degrees and beautiful, I took it out for a nice drive. And wrecked it by 9:30. But when I say wrecked, I mean I backed it over my dad’s Civic. I had to explain all this to Brandon, and explain why it’s the second time in 2 months I’ve backed into my dad’s car. This proved to be slightly difficult, although it is nice to know that if all else fails, crying still works. Sigh....

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Well, those of you who caught the Skybus shutdown Saturday, you’ll appreciate my situation.
I’m stuck on my honeymoon!

This is good and bad news. It was bad news when I saw the newsflash on the CNN runner Saturday afternoon while attempting a nap in Destin, Fl. It was bad news when we couldn’t find any other alternative than to spend double what the trip originally cost us just to get home. It’s good news because, well, shit, I’m stuck in 80 degree weather for another day. (It’s also good news because I finally have something blogworthy to write about.)

I was in a slump for awhile; the silly "cry or laugh depending on your mood" situations that always seem to happen to me just sort of weaned down to a slow trickle... But just when I thought my ironic luck was over, this happened.

Whilst we were flying out of Columbus Thursday night, Brandon mentioned how suprised he was that Skybus was able to stay afloat with the ridiculously low fares, you know, with jet fuel costs rising, yadda yadda yadda. Then two days later, we find out via CNN that we didn’t have a trip home.

We rented a local car that had to be returned to Biloxi, so we couldn’t just drive home from Destin, and none of the flights that were offering poor stranded Skybussers rides home for cheap flew out of Biloxi or into Columbus where our car is parked.

To throw a little salt into our wounds, the Findlay floods followed us down here to the sunny Gulf Coast, and it rained almost the entire time. The emerald green waters and snow white sands of Destin were greyed out with storm clouds. The deep sea fishing trip that we had planned months ago; even before we knew we were going to get married- cancelled. They had us get up at 5 am, get on the boat, took us out far enough to make me so completely sea sick in the 25mph winds, and then turned us around because there were tornadoes sighted all along the coast! (*I did catch one fish, though. A baitfish, yes, but still one more than Brandon! And the dolphins followed us around, which rocked!)

So we said fuck it. We just started spending all the money we had left. I ate a $50 lunch today (that I left behind at the next truck stop) and we ate a ridiculously expensive Brazilian dinner tonight that was outstandingly delicious. Brandon is currently at the casino downstairs trying to win some of our flight money back, lol, thus me writing this right now. I mean, this is memorable, one way or another. Might as well live it up!

Tomorrow, we fly out of Biloxi, have a 4 hour layover in Houston, and I think we’ll take a taxi and take in some of Houston’s sights. I’ve never been to Texas before. We’ll get back home just in time for me to be back to work Tuesday! Yippee! Back to real life. Maybe my lucky streak is over and I’ll have more to talk about now!

Well, I’m gonna head down to the casino to see how my hubby is doing. I will see YOU later.