Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fired up

I read this in the Courier today:


It seems that every time you turn around, the Democrats are blaming George Bush and the Republicans for something else. Gas prices, food prices, wages, you name it and it's Bush's fault. If these liberals would quit ranting and start doing some research, they might find the following acts:

On Dec. 26, 2005, the average price of gasoline in the U.S. was $2.20 a gallon. It is now $3.60 a gallon and rising.
On Dec. 26, 2005, the average price of a loaf of bread in the U.S. was $1.20. It is now $1.70 and rising.
On Dec. 26, 2005, the average home heating bill in the U.S. was $87. It is now $145.00 and rising.
What has changed from the George Bush of 2000-2005 and the George Bush of now? I'll tell you what has changed.
On Jan. 1, 2006, the Democrats took control of Congress.
Enough said.
Cyril O'Reilly


My response:


Mr. O'Reilly's letter to the editor (dated April 30th, 2008) needed clairification.
The common denominator here?
On January 20, 2001 George W. Bush was sworn into office.
Since then, Bush's tax cuts have reduced annual tax revenue available for the public needs by $300 billion/yr. His occupation of Iraq/Afghanistan has cost us $700 billion ($400 mill/day), and it goes into the trillions when you consider future costs and what we could've used the money for but didn't.He has deregulated the banks to the point of the collapse of investment funds, banks, and the stock value of corporations that depend on them, as well as a steep decline in home values, and what it costs to live in them.

Let's look at it this way: (Then-2001 / Now-2008)
U.S. National Debt: $5.7 trillion / $9.2 trillion
U.S. Trade Defecit: (/yr) $380 billion / $759 billion
Cost of 1 oz. gold: $319 / $892
U.S. Budget/Surplus: + $236 billion / - $354 billion
Corporate profits: $503.8 billion / $1,351.9 billion
Pharmaceutical co. profits: $30 billion / $80 billion
Number of BILLIONAIRES: 186 / 415
Their combined wealth: $816 billion / $3.5 TRIllion
Bush tax cuts on the richest 1% (2001-2007): $546 billion
Median household income: $49,158 / $48,201
Total manufacturing jobs: 17.3 million / 14.2 million
Americans living in poverty: 31.6 million / 36.5 million
Americans without health insurance: 38.4 million / 46.9 million
Cost of family insurance per year: $6,230 / $12,106

I understand that Congress needs a good enema. No matter who has had control. But the presidency is the worst it has ever been; we are staring a new great depression square in the face, thanks to our dear leader and his cronies.
'Nuff said.

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