Thursday, November 06, 2008

Proposition 8

While I am still in electoral bliss from the election of Barack Obama as President, I am incredibly saddened by the passage of Proposition 8 in California, as well as several other steps backward in other states across the nation. California's situation is crushing because the proposition that was passed Tuesday was a constitutional amendment banning the recognition of gay marriage.

I believe the exact wording on the ballot was, "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry". This proposition was the highest funded campaign on any state ballot on election day aside from the presidential campaign, and it was funded extensively by (tax exempt) churches. What is even more sad is that those couples who were able to marry when it was legal will have that union taken away.

I find it appalling and ironic that churches find it so important to spend their hard earned money- I mean easily acquired donations- spreading hate and taking away peoples' rights to be equal. And they weren't happy with Supreme Court decisions, they felt it completely necessary to change the State Constitution to take away rights from someone else entirely.

Some of the best people I know are gay, and some of the worst people I know call themselves christians. The fact is, people are people, gay, straight, black, white, christian or athiest. Shouldn't we be taking steps toward making constitutional amendments to make people more equal rather than less equal?? I can't believe how this country can take such a huge a step forward and such a huge step backward all in the same day.

Civil rights still have a long way to go.

1 comment:

~Nerderella said...

Isn't it depressing? One second you feel so proud to be an American...and the next second you are smacked in the face and told that we still need to move forward. That isn't to say I am still not proud...but come on...what is it going to take to make people realize that being gay is perfectly fine. Jeesh.