Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day One

(Well... actually day 4 or 5 since my decision, but hey- I'm still a habitual procrastinator. Sue me.)

This will be short because I'm exhausted. I'm almost too embarrassed to explain what made me exhausted. I ran 3 kilometers. That's it. And a lot of it I walked. I did stretch, before and after, but my legs do feel like Jell-o.

I tried to analyze exactly what caused me to stop when I did. I know for sure I need to work on my breathing. I tried the "in, in, out, out" method, and that seems to work at 5mph. But anything faster, and I have no idea how to breathe. I also felt pretty good physically; I'd say the thing that made me quit was the "side stitch".

I forgot about the fact that I always get those when I attempt to run. I have no idea what causes them, but I always get it, and it interrupts my concentration, throws off my form and makes it difficult to breathe properly. This makes it nearly impossible to complete any goal.

So I have to figure out what that pain is about. Maybe it's just something that goes away after lots and lots of practice. I hope not- because that means I have to put up with it in order to get over it. And I'm a bit of a sissy. I don't expect this to be easy, but I hope that it won't be very far from my expectations.

So today I didn't push myself too far. I pushed probably a half kilometer over when I really thought I couldn't run anymore. So hopefully that means I'll be able to run tomorrow without much trouble.

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