Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Things that irritate me.

Two things come to mind that currently irritate me.

One.) People who double click EVERYTHING. (I think these are the people you see leaving double comments everywhere.) I just realized this one 5 minutes ago.

Two.) This douchebag on the bus (yea bus) to work who talks like he's been up since 3 a.m. and has had 5 cups of coffee. Everyone on this bus knows this man's entire life story cause he's the only one on the bus talking at 6:30 in the morning. Every morning. Today was my Monday after a 4 day weekend. Which means I was reaaaally cranky, and hadn't had my FIRST cup of coffee. The bus driver was 5 minutes late leaving, waiting for every Tom, Dick and Stupid Asshole Who Can't Shut the Fuck Up who pulled up to load on. So that irritated me, but not as much as seeing that stupid guy making my bus, and sitting two seats away from me. Like clockwork, he started up. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine the pain away. It didn't work. Then I imagined myself standing up and telling him no one cared about his prostatitis that flared up last night. I even added in an elbow to the throat for effect. Everyone broke out into a roar of applause and patted me on the back. And he never spoke again.

So okay, that's pathetic. There's children starving in Ethiopia and I'm bitching about stupid shit. But what happens before coffee in the morning is fair game.

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