Thursday, March 05, 2009

Garden Stuff

This weekend, I started planting. Two weeks late, I might add. This slightly annoys me, because last year I started planting late and it screwed up my entire rhythm. I promised myself I would start on time this year. According to my Square Foot Gardening book, there technically is only one month I shouldn't be doing anything garden related. Well, obviously I'm not at that level, nor is my house set up to garden in my basement. But there are vegetables that I screwed up last year that all it would take to do it right is to just start early.

I bought a new book, Guide to Ohio Vegetable Gardening, a little calendar, and a notebook, and sat down and came up with a game plan. Based on my successes and failures last year, as well as what vegetables I really got to enjoy and others I'd like to, I decided on the following vegetables: Beet, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, green beans, lettuce, muskmelon, watermelon, onion, peas, habenero, jalapeno, and bell peppers, sweet and red potatoes, radishes, zucchini, and 3 kinds of tomatoes. I'm also planting cilantro, garlic and chives.

The cool thing about the Ohio gardening book is that it suggests the best particular variety of each vegetable for an Ohio garden. Not only that, but I used what I learned last year to decide, for instance, that I wanted a pea that doesn't need a huge trellis, and that I liked my bushing zucchini so much that I'd like to try it again, and this time try bush watermelon and cucumber as well. Obviously it was too late to order all those specific seeds online so I had to go to several local stores to find what I wanted, and I still didn't find some of them.

And because I felt so unorganized last year, I got my entire game plan all mapped out in my little calendar. When to plant seeds, when to transplant, and even when to expect a harvest. I decided this year's goal is to not buy a single transplant. Last year I transplanted some onions, a bell pepper plant, and some tomatoes. I want to do everything from seed this year. Because my ultimate goal is to know that I can do it if I ever had to.

Because I'm planting everything from seed, I thought I'd step up my indoor planting by setting up an extra fluorescent light we have with a timer to help along the plants. Someone suggested also that while growing the seedlings, point a fan at them to strengthen them so they're not so spindly when you do go to transplant. I lost a lot of transplants last year because they were so puny and weak.

Finally, in an attempt to actually make this cost efficient, I'm keeping my seeds. I've got them in a freezer container away from moisture so they'll keep the full 4-5 years. After it's all said and done, seeds really run quite expensive- the cost of seeds has risen, and not to mention I'm growing 26 vegetables. At $2 a packet, it adds up. I would like to compost as well as save rain water this year, but we'll see. That's a different blog.

So after all that organization, I actually did get some planting in... I planted onion, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. I did plant a little extra, because inevitably some (most?) of it will die, but not nearly as much extra as I planted last year. It's odd, but I do feel bad killing off extra seedlings that I can't use in my garden. Almost as bad as killing a mouse or something! So I planted 8 onion, and 2 each of the others. I really only want one each of those, but will be happy if I get two.

That was Tuesday. This weekend I'll set up the light so it's ready for when the seedlings pop up, and next week I'm scheduled to start a couple other vegetables. Believe it or not, soon I'll be planting outdoors. As soon as the soil is workable. A couple more days like today and it'll be ready to work.

1 comment:

~Nerderella said...

You have inspired garden...I just have no CLUE about gardening in all!

My parents are love to Garden and grow all sorts of yummy veggies for me to gobble up...but that is in Vermont...

Oh...I did you end up seeing my blog?